Through our partnership with Stably and Prime Trust you can now use an audited and fully backed stablecoin to acquire XCH in a trustless and peer-to-peer way using Offers. It is also cheaper and more secure than a centralized exchange.


Follow the 4 steps below to buy XCH peer to peer:

1. Open a Stably Prime Trust account

  • Sign up for a Stably account
  • You will need to provide your name, email address, phone number

2. Fund your Stably account by depositing USD to your Stably Prime account

  • Go through Stably’s Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process to complete setting up your account (this is usually instant but may take up to a day or two to complete ). After the KYC process has completed, you can initiate a “Deposit” by transferring from a traditional bank through ACH or a domestic or international wire transfer. Credit and debit cards are coming soon.

3. Withdraw USDS directly to your Chia light wallet

  1. Download and install the Chia Light wallet
  2. In the Light Wallet go to +Add Token and select "Stably USD"
  3. From your Stably USD account, click on WithdrawStablecoinsUSDS
  4. Add your USDS Chia wallet in Stably and then specify the amount of USDS to complete your withdrawal

4. Post or redeem an offer to trade USDS for XCH