Built on trust

Chia Network is building a better blockchain for real-world use. We are a secure, sustainable and regulatory compliant blockchain network, setting the standard for digital currency infrastructure and inclusive access to global, decentralized finance.

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Supporting the Paris Agreement

It’s time to transparently address the climate crisis. The World Bank selected Chia as the blockchain technology to connect carbon registries more efficiently, reflect registry data, and trace changes to the data for its Climate Warehouse.

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Enhancing Carbon Markets

We’re bringing quality, transparency and efficiency to global carbon markets as the blockchain behind the first-of-its-kind Carbon Opportunities Fund, in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Cultivo, and Aspiration.

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A new standard for NFTs

Chia addresses the needs of the emerging Non-Fungible Token (NFT) segment for artists, developers, and more who seek a more sustainable, reliable, and secure standard.

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Authentically secure, sustainable and compliant.

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Chia is the most decentralized blockchain ever with approximately 200,000 nodes employing the first new Nakamoto Consensus since 2009. The Chialisp on chain programming environment is fully featured while being far more auditable and secure.

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Chia believes that in order to deliver on the promise of the next generation blockchains, we must be regulatory compliant. It is our stated goal to become a public reporting company subject to the Securities Act of 1933. Chia's native currency, XCH or chia, has never been sold by Chia Network for money and we believe it will be regulated as a commodity by the CFTC.

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With its innovative Proof Of Space and Time consensus, Chia uses 0.16% of the annual energy consumption of Bitcoin, and 0.36% of Ethereum. Chia is part of the Circular Drive Initiative that reduces e-waste through the secure reuse of storage, promoting the second use of hard drives for Chia farming.

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